Thursday, September 13, 2007

Shana Tova - Flickr Third Party Tools

Today is the first day of Rosh Hashanah --- Happy New Year!

As such, I was fortunate to have the day off to attend synagogue with my wife and enjoy lunch with friends. While immediate family is back in Canada celebrating the High Holidays, we are fortunate to have excellent friends down here and to celebrate this joyous time of the year. To all friends and family far and wide and close to South Florida, we wish you a healthy, happy, and prosperous new year --- Shana Tova.

Now, onto the official work.

As part of the Library Web 2.0 initiative, the next exercise is to examine Flickr third party tools. I found one in particular that allows a Flickr account user to embed a Flash program to display all public photos on a web site (or in this case, my blog) without having to physically point to the Flickr site. Check it out...

Flick anywhere can be found at .


Meg said...

Oooo, neat tool! Good find.

And I love the seashell picture.

Andrew said...

Meg: Thanks for the comment --- there were tonnes of shells on Sanibel in May --- the most I have ever seen during my previous trips to Sanibel/Captiva.